Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Happy [Healthy] Holidays!

The holiday season often parallels with lots of family time, relaxing, and tons (and I mean tons) of food. You'll probably be faced with many not-so-healthy meal and snack options, but it doesn't mean you should let your health fall to the wayside. Here are some tips for how you can eat healthfully during the holiday season.
  • Don't Deprive Yourself. Deprivation only lasts for so long. In fact, avoiding your favorite Holiday foods may mean giving in and eating too much down the road. Allow yourself to have a small serving of your favorite dessert. (for me, it'll be apple pie... yumm!)
  • Don't Skip Meals. I know, I know. This one is even tempting for me, but remember- skipping meals often means consuming more later in the day. Instead, opt for healthy snacks throughout the day. Try snacks with fiber, protein and complex carbs as they are satisfying and will give you energy.
  • Drink in Moderation. Calories from alcohol adds up fast. Rule of thumb: 1 drink/day for women; 2 drinks/day for men.
  • Eat Slowly. Be mindful of what you're eating and enjoy your food. Eating slowly may mean consuming less overall.
  • Engage in Physical Activity. Even if it's a walk around the neighborhood, every little bit helps!
  • Plate Size Matters. Choose a smaller plate for tighter portion control.
  • Remember MyPlate. Yep, even though it's the Holidays you can still adhere to these guidelines: 1/2 your plate fruits and veggies, 1/4 your plate lean protein, and 1/4 your plate whole grains.
  • Wait for Seconds. Allowing some time to pass will help you decipher if you're still hungry vs. over-indulging.
And most of all... ENJOY the Holiday break! Health doesn't just mean eating nutritious food. We should all take care of ourselves mentally as well. Take time to relax, recoop, and re-energize for the Spring semester. Have a happy, healthy, holiday season!